Hey Guys Remember when All the Demons of Port Townsend Clatter about the September 3rd 2022 “Anti-LGBTQ” Rally, I am a Local Lesbian, I was part of the Rally, there were 8 of us woman that were at the last Rally, 4 of which are Lesbians. There were Gay Married Men with Robert’s Group. We were NOT Anti-LGB or those other letters.
It was a Rally for Decency to Stand up to what the City of Port Townsend enabled, incited and praised Antifa, Olympic Pride Terrorists, and Violent Trans Activists to do to us on August 15th 2022 at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference for Julie Jaman. Kind of Tired of the Straight Men and Straight Women of Port Townsend Abusing me and other Lesbians, and Gay men in the name of supporting LGBTQ, it is Nonsense. PLEASE Stop Supporting US, it Hurts.This Blog is Written Upon the Knowledge and Belief of Reverend Crystal Cox of Bringing Back Goddess Church, Port Townsend. ReverendCrystalCox@gmail.com. Links to news, articles, police footage, interviews, police reports, photos, commentary and lot's more regarding the Julie Jaman Press Release held by Amy Sousa Press Conference August 15th 2022. Where 11 speakers faced over 400 TRA, Antifa and PRIDE members assaulted us at the direction and protection of the City of Port Townsend Washington.
- Port Townsend News Rumble
- Livestream Footage
- Port Townsend News Facebook
- Alex French Expose'
- Julie Jaman Press Conference Videos
- #LetJulieSwim Archives, Lots of Posts
- Port Townsend News TikTok
- Stand for Decency Rally Videos
- Stand for Decency Rally Blog
- Port Townsend News YouTube
- City Manager John Mauro
- Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom
Saturday, September 10, 2022
City of Port Townsend ENTIRE Government Will Be Indicted Coming SOON. Past and Present. So dot your EYES and Cross your Tease.
Take Notice that for Amy Sousa's Press Conference, the Night of the City Council Meeting on the Proclamation to Discriminate ALL of Jefferson County except one class or group, well that night David Faber had put a call out to the public to come and support, he acted positive of people joining, and well we saw what happened there.
So isn't it odd that David Faber and the Town Council members past and present put out calls to NOT go to our September 3rd 2022 Rally. Clearly they were telling their THUGS to stay away because we actually had protection this time. I found it an interested tidbit brought to my attention today. They were all chattering about golf and all kinds of things to do to stay away from down town, it was even the big birthday wish of the former Queen of Port Townsend Michelle Sandoval. So Pay Attention Folks, the Innocence in All of them is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.
I have screenshots of Faber's posts on his Facebook Page encouraging people to stay away on Sept 3. And Ben Thomas was encouraging people to golf or other "fun", and Sandoval well let them eat cake. They were all Yammering about a "non-event" just don't show. It was Spectacular. There were over 30 State Troopers, Helicopter Police, 2 shifts of Coast Guards, Private Security Companies at businesses, dozens of county police, and a whole lot of Port Townsend Police. There was actually discussion. We fought back, We made an Important Stand. People Came together. The City of Port Townsend is on the side of the THUGS that Assaulted us: Antifa, Olympic PRIDE Terrorists, and Trans ONLY Violent Activists.
And it is NOT OK.
Port Townsend's MOST "innocent person" according to Pied Piper Corbett, well he is not looking to innocent here. He assaulted that man for 45 minutes, hang off his leg, head pressed into his privates, then he attacked Jen Thomas ripped off her shoe, forced her into the bricks, and took her purse, it was returned, items were missing.
Alex French Port Townsend, the Man who assaulted Us at the Julie Jaman Press Conference on August 15th 2022.
New Blog to Report on Alexander French, aKa "the Worm" who Assaulted Jen Thomas and others in Port Townsend on August 15th 2022 at the Julie Jaman Press Conference by Amy Sousa. Police Cam Footage, Photos, Videos, Incident Reports, Arrests.
https://AlexTheWorm.blogspot.com/Friday, September 09, 2022
Port Townsend Antifa Gives Legal Advice to man Who Assaulted Jennifer Thomas and Our Elder Male Protector. Keep in mind it is nearly 80 Degrees out, Their Outfits are for Combat
Port Townsend Antifa Gives Legal Advice to Alex French, Who Assaulted Jennifer Thomas and Our Elder Male Protector.
Keep in mind it is nearly 80 Degrees out, Their Outfits are for Combat, and to Hide their Identity. Does not take a super sleuth to figure that out.
Your Input is NOT NEEDED Haters in the Name of Love and No Hate Here.
Well Get Over It. How Ironic, did you See my Speech on August 15th 2022 at the Julie Jaman Press Conference? Our Speech, My Speech was VIOLENTLY Shut down, and here you are on MY PAGE and Whining about not Getting your Satisfaction of telling me how wrong, dumb, non important and other useless, gaslighting Yammer. Blah Blah Blah.
I Simply Do not Care what You have to SAY, it has no Relevance to my Online Media, My Investigations, or my Life.
Your Opinion of My Truth is Useless to Me.
Ok, So There is a lot of things I am finding on each party to this story. I am gathering evidence, research, poking fun, creating content, sharing investigations and well entertaining myself and others. At this stage in my investigations, I don’t need input from the Haters.
Yes yes I hear you, ironically crying out into the wind that I am Suppressing your Delicate Free Speech Senses, however, this is Our Page, and NOT Yours.
I am certain about my beliefs, I do my own research, have my own content and don’t need gaslighting to further my investigations and entertainment.
If you are a friend you know how to reach me, if you simply want to tell me I AM WRONG. Well That’s a Given that you feel that way, no need to tell me on my page, go shout it from another rooftop.
I will have a blog and probably a Facebook Group on each person we find in the Lynch Mob that is coordinating an assault on elderly women, and the men who supported them and on me personally. My style of investigations, my sense of humor, my outrageous tactics, well they are MINE and NOT Yours, so Neener Neener.
What the Violent Mob of Antifa, Olympic Pride Terrorists, and Trans Rights ONLY did to us is not ok, not lawful and yes, inspired by, funded by, incited by The City of Port Townsend, still NOT OK.
You will All be identified and put into Federal Hate Crimes Complaints, Human Rights Complaints, Homeland Security Complaints, and other agencies to do with Domestic Terrorism. Even if you kill me, this will happen, so whine all you want about my Tactics and not being able to comment on my sites, I Just Do NOT Care. And if you come near me, it will most likely end up in a Garth Brooks song, you know the one Right? Ya that One.
So Here is my Blog and Facebook gathering information and poking fun regarding Port Townsend’s Pied Piper Corbett who I believe was coordinating or assisting to coordinate Antifa, TRA and Olympic Pride to Assault US.
My Expose’ Blog
My New Facebook group to gather Photos, Video, Documents and Evidence
Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative Live Feed of the Let Julie Swim Press Conference on August 15th 2022 is Now On Rumble.
Roberts Livestream Uploaded Again.
Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative had his YouTube Channel Shut down, the very morning of our Rally For Decency, to Protest what the City of Port Townsend did to us on August 15th 2022 as they enabled, incited and praised Olympic Pride, White Male Violent Trans Rights Only Activists, and Antifa to assault us and silence our speech.
Robert’s Live Feed of the Let Julie Swim Press Conference on August 15th 2022 is Now On Rumble.
Thursday, September 08, 2022
Wednesday, September 07, 2022
Ryan S. Harris Arrested at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference on August 1th 2022. Ryan Harris was Alex, “the Worm’s” Protector, so he could assault us.

Ryan Harris in Black is protecting Alex the Worm, in beige shirt assaulting Elder Man, and Ryan is protecting the kid in the blue shirt who was also assaulting us. those three males and one female were NOT with us, the White Haired Elder fighting them off was with us, defending us.
Clearly paid to Assault Us and protect others to assault us. And for "Feminism", well that is no feminism I want anywhere near me and violently forced on woman by a white, angry presumably straight man.
Permitted Event to Speak and Sing Songs?
Piper is defending Alex, "the Worm", a violent man who assaults people a lot, and Piper knew he was trying to sabotage Amy's speakers and flat out lied that Alex was hanging on that Elder Man with his face on the man's privates for over 30 minutes, and lied about Alex's assault on Jennifer Thomas.
Notice who is watching his arrest, 2 at the back of the car, one them gave witness testimony. And the others witnessing as well as Pipers Cohort who was at our back filming us and being mean and creepy "does it matter which side I am on".
He is 44 and Alex is 25, I allege they are antifa and Ryan was paid to protect the agitator, assaulter. This is the Second Part of his Arrest, after they drove him from the scene to the uptown fire station it looks like.
Another Office Cam Footage of Ryan Harris Arrest at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference. Alex French Sob Story.
Officer Footage.
The First Part of this Video below is Officer Cam Footage of Alex, the Worm, Pipers Most “innocent” person professing his innocence, telling the police his tax dollars paid for Pope Marine Park. He talks of a Protest and Counter Protest. There was a Press Conference to Make Statements and Sing, 400 violent Antifa, PRIDE and Trans Only Rights Activists violently assaulted us, there were 35 of us. Amy’s Event was a Permitted Event and NOT a Protest.
the Worm claims that he has Big time PTSD. He attacked us, tormented us, and violated us for over 2 hours solid and he has PTSD? Why was he in that crowd with really bad PTSD and why does our PTSD or Trauma not matter?
Alex ripped things off our bodies, he crawled under women's legs and pulled them to the ground where he violently ripped things off their bodies and stole Jen’s purse. The purse was returned when Jen went and got it, but stuff was missing.
These Olympic Pride Antifa TRA Terrorists incited, enabled and praised by the City of Port Townsend were screaming and had blow horns in our ears and speakers that hurt our ears for days. They flat out silenced our Free Speech by violent force, Free to do so by Proclamation and Directive from the City of Port Townsend City Council.
The crowd pushed in on us, they pushed us into bricks, they smothered us with flags, they hit us with flagpoles, they hit us with signs and Alex the worm is worried about own PTSD.
Alex says the Cops Were trying to grab me and talk to me. And after all this they did not detain him as the victim was gone, we had been escorted out by police. The next day Jen went into the police station with video evidence and gave her statement, word is Alex was hiding on Whidbey Island until the Reptile Queen Pied Piper summoned him to cause trouble at our Rally for Decency on September 3rd 2022 to Protest what the City of Port Townsend did to us on August 15th 2022.
Port Townsend Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022
Reverend Crystal Cox of Bringing Back Goddess Church Port Townsend, a Washington Public Benefit Non Profit 501(c)(3) on What the Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022 was about. It was to Protest what the City of Port Townsend, Olympic Pride, Antifa and Trans Rights Only Activists did to us at the Amy Sousa Press Conference for Julie Jaman on August 15th 2022.
Reverend Crystal Cox Hugging Eric of Washington III%. Port Townsend Rally for Decency.
The Love and Support between two New Friends, a Conservative Jew, and a Jesus Loving Pagan, Witch, Lesbian, Psychic Healer, Spiritual Advisor, Goddess sort of Gal, ME.
Eric of Washington III% and Reverend Crystal Cox of Bringing Back Goddess Church Port Townsend at the Port Townsend Sept 3 Rally for Decency to Protest the Terroristic Inhumane Unconstitutional Actions of the City of Port Townsend, Antifa, Olympic Pride and Violent Trans Only Rights Activists.
Eric and Crystal Hugging.
2 of My Protectors at the Port Townsend Rally for Decency Protesting the Terrorist Actions the City of Port Townsend, Olympic PRIDE, Antifa and Trans Only Rights Activists did to 35 women at a press conference on August 15th 2022.
This Big Ol’ guy put his hand out and said thank your Reverend Cox, I appreciate you.
Then he hugged me and told me I was safe and his husband was there to keep me safe as well and they both hugged me.
So odd the Righteous Strait People of Port Townsend discriminating against Gays and Lesbians, Hating on Us, inciting Violence on Us and calling it support for the LGBT Community. (PS the B stands for Bi, as in 2) (and the L is Lesbian Me, and the G is Gay the men who protected me and rights for all women and girls). It is the righteous perverse straight predators of Port Townsend that Do not Support the LGBT Community and incite violence, fear and rage.
Port Townsend Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022 to Protest the City of Port Townsend, PRIDE, Antifa and Trans ONLY Rights Activists attacking us in a mob of 400 to our 35 people at a press permitted press conference for Julie Jaman.
Me Hugging 2 of my Protectors, two married Gay Men.
Port Townsend's Pied Piper Corbett and the Curious Case of Violence Addiction and Port Townsend's Most Innocent Person.
Innocent Person Apples
Ok So Remember Port Townsend’s Most Innocent Person according to Port Townsend's Perilous Pied Piper Corbett? Yeah that’s right Alex, “the Worm”? Well anyhoo, on August 16th 2022, at 10:21PM at the Cotton Building in Pope Marine Park, you remember that spot right, the Very Night Before, where Olympic Pride, Trans ONLY Violent Activists, and Antifa attacked us 400 to 35 in the name of Loving Support and No Hate Here, at the directive, enabling, and Praise of the City of Port Townsend and the Unconstitutional Complacency of the Port Townsend Police. Well, back to the story, See Alex, “the Worm”, clearly addicted to violence, and being Piper's Bestie of Innocence, he just did not get enough belligerent violence, causing pain to others and doing nothing wrong while just sitting there on the ground at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference for Julie Jaman. So Alex, “the Worm” needed a Fix of Violence, so he walks up to an Elderly man, of 66 years old and Kicks him in the Balls. The Very Next night, Same Location.Why is Piper trying to Protect Alex, “the Worm '' from Super Sleuth Supernatural Goddess Blogger, ME, and the Po Po?
What’s in it for her? Piper Knows Alex the Worm is NOT innocent, it is on 18 officer cams, over a dozen live feeds. How does she have that much power in Port Townsend that she says UP is DOWN and the Clowns Believe Her, Enable her and Perhaps Fund her?
Oh well, you can read about that in the upcoming FBI Complaint, the DOJ complaint and investigation into Domestic Terrorism in Port Townsend Washington, and the Dark Demonic Gaslighting Fear Mongering Ring Leaders that organized, managed and coordinated a violent attack on elderly women at a permitted event in Pope Marine Park Port Townsend Washington.oh and the Criminal Cohorts of the Council GUILTY indeed, just not in their Closed Corrupt Justice System, oh well a Federal Crime needs not the Crime Suppression Team of Jefferson County Washington.
Can you Smell that Sweet Scent of "Indictment". Yummmers almost as good as Mo-Chilli BBQ.
Oh Yeah Back to the Violence Addict, here is the Incident Report.
Alex Kicks Henry in the Balls.
Click Below to Read
Oh Piper
What Have You Got Yourself
into this Time?
Stay Tuned
Exposing Trolls is
One of My Hobbies.
Got a Tip? eMail at ReverendCrystalCox@gMail.com
August 15th 2021 Criminal THUG Free For All Downtown Port Townsend, Enabled, Funded, Praised by City Council and enacted by Unconstitutional Police.
Dawn Land Files Incident Report after these Port Townsend Criminal Thugs stole her property, ripped right out of her hands and destroyed it. Click Below to Read Incident Report
Click Below to Watch Port Townsend Thugs and Thief's Ripped away private property, RUN, then destroy it.
NO Police Protection in Port Townsend, it could happen to anyone of you. They rip items off our body and from our hands, and are Praised. The City says it is Love, Support and Beautiful.
"These THUGS harassed us the Whole Press Conference and Came to the Rally for Decency Sept 3 as well. Here is Dawn's Video of the Theft"
Port Townsend Criminals Rip Personal Property out of Woman's Hands and destroys it, hurting her hands, stealing from her and destroying her belongings. This Ok Port Townsend, you could be next?
Tuesday, September 06, 2022
Women NOT Safe in Port Townsend. City of Port Townsend Controls the Police here and they are Corrupt, Discriminating and Evil. You are NOT Safe in Port Townsend by Proclamation, oh unless you are one class of citizen then you are protected by VIOLENT FORCE
Women Are NOT Safe in Port Townsend Washington.
ONLY One Class, One Group gets special protection per order of the Merry King Faber and his Court Jester Council and that is MEN who Identify as Women.
Woman born as Women Get NO Equal Rights. Straight People, Kids, Lesbians, Women, Elders, Men GET No Equal Rights. ONLY One Class of People.
The City of Port Townsend, by Proclamation has discriminated against every class of citizen except for Men who claim they are Woman. Men Who think they are better at being a Woman.
Perilous Prattling Pied Piper of Port Townsend, well her Pride Muzzle friend was won of our assailants and she clearly knew him, spoke to him and seemed to direct him.
PRIDE Muzzle Antifa Violent Man, friend of Pied Piper of Port Townsend and we see Scary Woman in background, I seen her/him show up to town, no hat, no mask, no glasses until they came upon us. This Really ok with you Port Townsend? If so maybe they will come to your event next.
Is the Perilous Pied Piper of Port Townsend Directing Antifa Men to attack Amy Sousa and those who attended her Julie Jaman Press Conference?
Piper Corbett Chatting it up and seems to be giving direction or instruction to Pride Muzzle Man who was one of our attackers.
Council Woman Amy Howard, the City of Port Townsend, and Many in the Community Continue to Gaslight Us All about the Events of Monday 15th 2022. Still It Actually Happened.
Amy Howard of the City Council has a Cover Photo that makes fun of Us claiming Antifa Attacked us, her buddies chime in to laugh at us.
People laughed me on Sept. 3 talking of Antifa, like they think they do not exist, yet there they were right behind water street hotel, unable to get in because they had to many weapons, flame thrower, mace and other bad guy stuff.They attacked us, we saw them in our Face.
I met many at the BLM Protest I filmed here, and even returned items I found, yet the City Council Gas Lights us, discounts our trauma, bullies us and most of the community is just fine with that, we are label tons of things we are not, I AM NOT, and terrorized by them and the is ok, that is LOVE, Support and Beautiful.
They are sick folks, there is something wrong with them, they are void of humanity, void of compassion or empathy, it is like they are rapid. And they run your government. It is up to you to Chang things, I am simply NOT letting them gas light you our us, by reporting on the events, to the best of my ability. I expect you to think for yourself and do your own homework. 18 officer cams I Got and Posted, at least a dozen livestreams I took 4 myself and posted others and they are still telling us that what happened Simply did not Happen."Being Called Antifa, by a TERF made me Giggle. " See Folks, 400 people violently at us. We were assaulted with bodies, flags, painful noise, bikes, strong white men and others behind them with backpacks with batons sticking out, and other weapons ready. They had security guards protecting them to assault us. All seen on Video yet Most of the Port Townsend Community and ALL of the Port Townsend Government Continues to Victim Blame and Gaslighting us, not only did we not see what we saw but it made them giggle. Sick and Dark Indeed.
Council Woman Amy Howard and Women Hating, Victim Blamng, Gaslighting Associates.
Piper Corbett says that Alex French is "an innocent Person". Her Motive? Got a Tip? email me at ReverendCrystalCox@gMail.com
Alexander French was At Jen Thomas from the Start, went from disrespectful, hypocritical, obnoxious, horrific smell to down right, flat out assault while the Police watched, and Piper Corbett Shouts from the Rooftops his Innocence.
"Far Left Protester Shows His Instability At Port Townsend Protest Against Women's Rights" Footage by Robert Zerfing of the Common Sense Conservative.
Olympic PRIDE, Antifa, Trans Rights ONLY Activists, the City of Port Townsend, The City Council Members and the City of Port Townsend as well s the Jefferson County Sheriff all enabled, supported, protected, and praised a violent mob to attack us on August 15th 2022 at a Press Conference in Port Townsend.
A Violent Mob of over 400 People Assaulted us, while City Council was in Session, they laughed at US and the Port Townsend Police Stood there and Watched.
The Common Sense Conservative On Rumble
Piper Corbett Informed Reverend Crystal Cox that she Put an Innocent Man in Jail.
Port Townsend Woman Piper Corbett admits connection to Alexander French, arrested for Assault, Robbery and Theft. He Assaulted Jennifer Thomas, I filmed the assault and so did Robert Zerfing.
Just how Piper and Alex are connected is a mystery at this moment.
Got a Tip? eMail me at ReverendCrystalCox@gmail.com,
I intend to file a 3rd party criminal complaint in the future and am gathering evidence.
Alex French who assaulted Jennifer Thomas and the older man protecting us, well he showed up at our Rally, our Protest to PROTEST what he and others, along with the City of Port Townsend and Piper did to us on August 15th 2022. Alex got arrested, he threw up a lot, clearly on a substance of sorts.
Piper Says I, Reverend Crystal Cox, had an Innocent Man arrested.
I simply told the Police he was there and a threat, they said there was nothing they could do. Next thing I know, a warrant out I guess, he was arrested, then today Piper posts on my Facebook Page her confession of her connection to this criminal, in jail for actual crimes, of which she clearly aided, abetted and defended.
Piper claims he was only trying to unplug the speaker and not assaulting that man as he clung to his leg and his head on the man’s privates. So I guess sabotaging Amy’s speakers is innocent, ya not.
Apparently Alex was Simply trying to unplug the microphone, ok well that is illegal and sabotage and that is innocent to Piper, good to know. And innocent man was just sitting there under Jen's legs and she was such a bully to him, so sad. Sitting there under us, at us while we try and speak, that's fine with this psychopath? Really? Just sitting there? THERE?
Victim Blaming Queen probably blames Jen for penning her leg down and ripping off her own shoe too, oh know wait that is on video too, gee darn.
Oh and she says that Alex was not reaching for that man's genitals, hmmm Alex's head was on that man's genitals for a VERY Long time.
While he was sitting on the Ground? umm under our legs, hanging off that man's leg, then sitting below Jen grabbing at her, so innocent, what a Crock Piper.
Did Piper tell Alex what to do that day and coordinate his protection?
Was Piper directing people in the crowd of her antifa gremlins like some mob boss?
Meanwhile Creepy Slinky Snake Piper was at Amy’s back the whole time, like a creepy monster. And bashing into old ladies yelling I am the Press? All so Innocent. That footage coming soon to a blog near you.
A younger woman seen in our footage with a white hat, black band, she came in to help the older gentlemen and a man named Ryan Harris, you see in footage with the Death Cult shirt, well he attacked her while protecting Alex to continue assaulting the man and Jen, clearly antifa body guards guarding antifa thugs. Ryan is 44, Alex is 25.
Piper Corbett's Innocent Man Alex French aKa "the Worm" Seems NOT SO innocent to me
How does Piper Know Alex? He has only lived here 8 years, he told officers on the cam footage.
Was Piper directing these men to Assault Amy or her participants?
Does Piper have any influence over the Port Townsend City Council? She is very good friends with Ben Thomas as he told me.
How friendly is Piper with the Prominent Politicians of Port Townsend?
I Saw Piper Corbett right before Amy Sousa’s press conference, she told me all about Amy’s life and others in the street. She blamed Amy for the YMCA issue, she defamed Amy Sousa and painted her in false light. Piper claimed that local businesses had to remove their PRIDE signs out of Fear of Amy and her press conference participants, me, a local lesbian one of them. Piper incited fear that made businesses remove flags and some close. Piper incited that same fear over our Rally For Decency Protest against what the City did to Us. Then blames our group for businesses closing when clearly it was her Fear Mongering that closed them, all we did is bring in more customers.
It Turned out the PRIDE Flag People were our Assailants in mass. Odd how within an hour of meeting Piper, Amy’s press conference was violently attacked by the PRIDE peeps that she was making the victims. One assailant in particular was at us all, he pinned Jennifer Thomas to the ground and ripped things off her body, he was at her for 2 hours straight, most all on video. Yet Piper Corbett can’t seem to see any of it as “not innocent” and perhaps “Guilty”.
So The question Begs to Be Asked, Did Piper Pay these men to do this to Amy or is she connected to those who did? Why chew me out for the assault her friend actually committed on video?
Piper must have been Piping Mad that her crazed lunatic soldier would not be able to attack and harass us again, cuz 5 minutes before we started he was arrested. Gee Darn foil your Evil Plans? Or does Piper really believe Alex aKa “the worm” is Innocent, and all that incriminating footage was faked by me even the live feeds and officer cam footage and well none of that bad stuff happened.
Busy Body Self Righteous Narcissistic Gaslighter Indeed.
How Piper is Connected to Ryan and Alex and the others she talks to, directs and seems to coordinate, well that for another day. Got a Tip? eMail me at ReverendCrystalCox@gMail.com
Piper Corbett’s “innocent man”, Alex ‘the Worm” explaining to the police how innocent he is, all about him. He had just assaulted Jennifer and hung on an old man’s leg for at least 30 minutes with his head on the gentlemen’s privates. No Boundaries for these folks anywhere.
Sometimes, I think to myself how sad Piper must have been to have had her “innocent man” her little warrior of the weird, Alex “the Worm” arrested before he could assault us again at the Rally for Decency to Protest what Piper and her Mob did to us At Amy Sousa’s Press Conference for Julie Jaman. Oh Snap 5 minutes before the show, Piper loses her Gremlin she could control to assault us. Piper was so sad, she did not even want to be filmed. Well I hope Alex “the Worm” tells on you as a Plea, we Shall See.
Officer Comes in FINALLY to STOP Alex French from further Assault. After about one minute in Alex, the assailant runs from the Police. You see his GF in the footage, she was at us the whole time as well.
Officer Cam Footage showing Piper Corbett’s Best, Jennifer Thomas’s assaulter Alex French
Alexander Zachery French Port Townsend Man Who Assaulted Jennifer Thomas Arrested September 3rd 2022 at Rally for Decency Protesting the City of Port Townsend attack on us, along with 400 in a violent mob, oh and Piper, the Worms friend.