Saturday, September 17, 2022

Port Townsend Police Chief Thomas Olson: In Today’s Episode of “Gossiping Dangerous Tyrants” we See YMCA Rowen DeLuna otherwise known as Rowan Matkins send an email from the YMCA to Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson. In this Email YMCA Rowen admits to being friends with Piper Corbett who was in a mob of 400 Antifa, Olympic Pride and Trans Rights Activist that attacked 35 of us. YMCA Rowen DeLuna engages in Hate Speech while Cruelly making fun of a local lesbian pastor, Crystal Cox. Rowen Calls Crystal Cox, a nut job doing nut job things and acting in unstable behavior. And warns the Police that Crystal Cox is Dangerous and Crazy.

Rowen DeLuna of the YMCA, friend of Pied Piper Corbett, Engaging in a Hate Crime, with Hate Speech against Local Lesbian Crystal Cox, the “Dangerous” “Crazy” “Unstable” “Nut Job” that Lives in a Car and has Got Nothing Better to Do with her Time.

Yes this is the Same Rowen DeLuna who Banned an 80 year old woman from the Port Townsend YMCA for Speech She did not Approve of and for allegedly being a nasty horrible person to a member of the LGBTQ Community. 

Yet here We See that same Rowen being very cruel to a local lesbian woman recently assaulted by a mob she originally incited.  I am a Member of that same community she claims to care about yet she is engaging in discrimination and hate speech toward me. She calls me all manner of hateful things and makes fun of my having been homeless. And in this YMCA Rowen clearly shows that she has no concern for the LGBTQ community, for those who may have mental anguish PTSD or stress, no humanity for homeless or lesbians, and is simply virtue signaling and stroking her own ego with pretending to care about other human beings. Rowen DeLuna and Chief Tom Olson have NO HUMANITY what so ever. 

See in the official, of record, eMails below between YMCA Rowen DeLuna and Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson, we see Chief Olson say, Well all you have to do is look at her YouTube to see just how Crazy Crystal Cox is. This from the official email of the Port Townsend Police Chief Twistical Treasonous Tyrant Tommy Olson.

Guess that is why he let a Mob teach us a lesson, cuz he looked at Crazy Crystal Cox’s YouTube, and Tactless Treasonous Tyrant Tommy thinks I am Crazy. He does not like me so therefore I deserve hate speech and bad things to happen to me. So If Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson does not like you, like your videos, your beach walks, your spirituality, your dancing videos then he will watch a mob beat you down then gaslight you, bully you and engage in hate speech about you. You Could Be Next. DISCRIMINATION. HATE CRIME. HATE SPEECH.

oH and the Plot thickens as here we See Local "Band Mom" Rowen DeLuna (Matkins) claiming (confessing, admitting) to being friends with Piper Corbett who was part of the Mob that assaulted Julie Jaman and her supporters. Yeah that Rowen. The Same one that Banned an 80 year old woman for saying things she did not approve, ya her, now saying horrible things about Sweet Innocent ol' Me.

So Rowen, the Woman who threw Julie Jaman out of the YMCA, is friends with Piper Corbett who was at our back the whole press conference, blamed Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa for the “whole thing” and looked to be telling Pride Muzzle Guy what to do in our further assault.

Piper was hateful to Amy and the women who came to speak. Piper watched our attack, then later gaslighted us and claimed that Alex French, who assaulted us, was an “innocent person”. There are livefeeds showing him NOT innocent, and I personally filmed one of the assaults and witness it. Yet they tell me it never happened.

Here is Innocent Person Alex French being arrested by the Port Townsend Police at the Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022.

Our experience, our pain, our trauma is nothing to this heartless Vixen. And well now we see that the very start of the issue at the YMCA is Piper's Good Buddy Rowen. So did Rowen and “friend” Piper coordinate a Mob to teach Julie Jaman a Lesson? Rowen sure incited hate against Julie in the beginning of all this that is what drew my attention. So many ganging up on an Elder in my community and many if not most from Olympic Pride.

How connected to Antifa is Rowen?
Got a Tip?  eMail me at

Does Rowen believe she is above the Law in the Violence she Incited on those women, on Julie Jaman, on me? 

Hate Crime, Hate Speech, it’s all Good as long as it is against someone who YMCA Rowen DeLuna does not like, which is the Crazy Dangerous Lesbian Pastor Crystal Cox Reporting on Piper Corbett in my way, and under my Free Speech Rights, and from my Personal Experience. 

Odd Right, Rowen created an international incident because she did not like what Julie Jaman said to her cub working at the YMCA? Yet this Lesbian, me, can be called Dangerous and Crazy, a homeless nut job and have violence incited upon me and made fun for my stress or trauma or mental state and that is all good.

Protection for the Rights of Some and Bullying, Hate, and Violence Inciting to Others. Oh the Rat Rowen and Her/She Dangerous Crazy Hypocrisy. 

Rowan Matkins (DeLuna) incited hate toward an 80 year old woman, a long time resident of the community and long term user of that pool. Rowen incited Olympic PRIDE, TRA and Antifa to bully, berate and threaten Julie Jaman and her supporters. This happened right away online, that is what drew my interest as I could not believe that PRIDE was bringing so much hate and calling others to come and bully Julie Jaman. I, as a 52 year old Lesbian, never experienced that being what PRIDE was about.

I had been around the DeLunas’ since I first came to town 10 years ago. Two DeLunas' even signed my wedding certificate as witnesses and one of their Mothers officiated my wedding. I lived in a home where many of them hung out. I bet I can dig up some dirt, some dirty lawless deeds of Rowen DeLuna, we shall see. 

Thing is, will the deeds be “Dangerous” like inciting a mob to attack or just “Crazy” like that Crazy Crystal Cox, the Homeless Unstable Nutjob. I guess we will find out. Criminal Charges, and Civil Lawsuits are in full swing and these Ninnies are still at it. 


the DeLuna Clan were quite a few wonderful, brilliant, sweet smart teenagers, of whom I spoke with numerous times. I knew these teens and in fact was best friends with one of the mother’s and lived with them. The DeLuna Clan came over to the house pretty much daily. A really awesome bunch of teens. They were all about inclusivity, kindness, art, music, gaming, hair and makeup, original outfits and were always kind and inclusive with me. They never made fun of me for ANY REASON and were ALWAYS Respectful.

So Onto the eMails between YMCA Rowen DeLuna and Port Townsend Polson Chief Tom Olson.

Police Chief Thomas Olson is Irredeemable. 
He has No Conscience and no Accountability.

Who will Stand up to, arrest, indict, hold accountable Corrupt and Evil Cops such as Traitor Tommy?

Port Townsend Police Chief Olson violated our Constitutional Rights with total disregard and No Remorse. Tyrannical Twistical Treasonous Tommy the Tyrant ignored his Constitutional Oath in letting a mob attack me and 34 other People downtown Port Townsend on August 15th 2022. 

Internal Affairs, the DOJ, somebody somewhere should be indicting this man for what he did, he has no Remorse, is above the law and in fact continues to bully us, and gossip like a schoolgirl to the YMCA RAT Rowen about me, Crazy Crystal Cox. 

I told Chief Olson and the PT Police many times over years, with plenty of evidence what was happening to Michael Allmain, he does not care nor honor his Constitutional Oath. Instead he kowtows to politics, petunias, provocateurs and prominent people.  


I hope he goes to Prison. Cops are above the Law so probably not. However, this man is Evil Pure Through and I Will, again, be filing internal affairs complaints again regarding the Demon Chief of Police of Port Townsend. 

Our Beat Down and the Trauma women experienced after means nothing to this Abuser, he is still Gaslighting, Berating, Name Calling and committing Hate Crimes against us. This is your Professional Port Townsend Police Chief. DEMON Jackass indeed. 

a Dangerous Man. an Abuser

Got a Tip on Chief Olson? eMail me at 

This DEMON needs to be investigated and indicted.

Who do we report crimes to when the Police is this Demonic and Corrupt? I tell them of crimes for years. I stand up for strangers and prove what happened. I file complaints with proof and he laughs and ignores me. He chats it up with the City Attorney Heidi Greenwood about me living in a car, while she violates a court order to return a homeless mans dog, his property, his EVERYTHING. 

Chief Traitor does nothing to help save a homeless man who his officers harassed and harmed and people in his community committed crimes against. 

I recently filed a Hate Crime with Olson, Citing the Laws and with Evidence, he did not even acknowledge receiving it and that was before we were mobbed, My complaints with proof go unheard. Yet the busy body lying hypocritical lawless prominent people WITH NO PROOF get answered right away. THEY FLAT OUT LIE to the POLICE. I give years of proof and am ignored. 

Chief Olson ignores REAL Crimes and instead engages in Petty Gossip. This after he violated our rights and watched us be mobbed. Who holds corrupt and evil cops such as this accountable?

Recent photo of Chief Tommy Olson

The Latest “Dangerous” and “Crazy” Gossip about the Nutjob Crystal Cox.

Here we have Rowen of the Port Townsend YMCA, looking online for what I am reporting on about her friend, Piper Corbett, who was 1 of 400 people that mobbed us, hurt us, violated us. Piper was also seen talking to a man who assaulted us. Piper is a danger, and bad things happened to us involving her. Yet the Chief of Police and YMCA Rowen think I am the Dangerous Crazy Nutjob. Ass Backwards indeed.

Video of their Crimes and I am the Bad Guy. This email tells you all you need to know of who YMCA Rowen DeLuna Really is, and how the YMCA incident really went down. Pure EVIL. I saw a video of the police chief making donkey sounds she says and I emailed him about that Crazy Dangerous Unstable Nutjob Crystal Cox. oh and the Nerve of Rabid Rowen to assume I am a Woman. I Never Said I was a Woman LOL. Isn't that what this is all about. Why not call me a person, or stick with Nutjob. But to call me a "Woman" shows she does not believe in her own delusional cause.

Rowen the Rat Says:

“I’m sure you are very busy after this weekend but I wanted to just reach out. My friend Piper had been being harassed by this woman Crystal Cox.

 I was going to look at one of the nasty videos she’d made about Piper and came across this. 

I’m sure your fine and it’s just some nut job doing nut job things and you’re pretty safe but I thought maybe you’d like to know in case you encounter her. 

I hear she lives in her car and this seems like some pretty unstable behavior, so an encounter might happen. Anyway here’s the link.

You guys knocked it out of the park Saturday btw! Well done.
Sent from my iPhone Rowen

Guess what Rabid Ranting Rat Rowen, Treasonous Twistical Tommy has already encountered me many lawless unconstitutional times. And Yes Treasonous Tyrant Tommy does NO Investigation, is above the law, abuses women, violates his constitutional Oat and is completely incompetent.

Not harassing Piper, Rageful Repugnant Rowen, but instead standing up to our abuser, someone involved in our assault. Looks like you were involved as well, WOW not very “DeLuna” of you Radical Rat Rowen. 

Rankle Rowen thinks that the Police Chief, Treasonous Tyrant Tommy is in Danger of me because of a Video of Him making Donkey sounds, after he let a mob attack us? After she incited violence upon us. 

Rowen’s Rabid Radical Rage was part of inciting a mob that attacked us and my Donkey Sounds video “could be” dangerous? 

THEY are Dangerous and Violent physically and for realzies and donkey noises are the Danger? 

No wonder Rabid Rat Rowen thought words were so dangerous in the locker room. They are WORDS Repulsive Rowen. You were part of inciting real physical violence on women, elders, lesbians and the men that stood with us. YOU are the Danger. You Revile Rowan, are the Candidate for “Unstable Behavior”, “Nut Job”, “Crazy” and “Dangerous”. 

Radical Rampant Rageful Rowen thinks I am a Nutjob? All this from the Nut Job that went Apeshit on an old lady for wanting privacy around her naked body. I Can See how you and Piper would hit it off, to Pied Peas in a Pod. Thing is, you Started this Mob, this Worldwide Incident, and Jackass Sounds are dangerous to you? WOW. 

No Rowen the Rat, I am not making “nasty” videos about Piper. I am exposing someone involved in an assault against me and elder women in a community I live in. Of which you were part of inspiring that mob on us, and here you are a Tattle Tale that big mean Crystal Cox is so unstable big strong officer please validate me, and she is homeless and you could be in danger of her making donkey noises. 

Piper, your friend, hurt people that day and she claimed the man who assaulted Jen Thomas was an “innocent person”. 


Rowen Matkins (DeLuna) of Olympic YMCA clearly has no remorse for here wrongdoing, She did not follow the Rule of Three that day, there was not two adults with the children, she made errors in judgment, policy and law as far as I see it and yet has no ability what so ever to see her own dangerous, nut job, crazy, unstable behavior but instead vomits hypocritical words on me through official emails with her bestie treasonous traitor Tommy, the Chief of Police in Port Townsend Washington.

So Rowen the Rat, Chief Olson Really is a Jackass, and he is Dangerous and possibly a nut job, who in an act of unstable behavior violated his fake phony Constitutional Oath and let 400 people attack 35 on his watch, and his directive to stand down. 

The Video Below is the Topic of the Donkey Duo's eMails

Treasonous Twistical Tommy did not knock it out of the park Saturday September 3rd, We Did, Rat Rowen. We Created that, the State was involved that is why we had protection. If Twistical Tommy had his way we would have been assaulted again. The state took it out of his violent, demented, unconstitutional authority. And the PT police there that are good guys did a very good job, NOTHING to Do with Tommy OLSON who let 400 Olympic Pride Terrorists Mob Us, of which you, Rowen the Rabid Rat inspired. 

With the State involved, the Police in Port Townsend could do the Good Job they wanted to do at the first event, that we were mobbed at. The Good Port Townsend Police could not do their job as their DEMON boss Tyrant Tommy followed and Unconstitutional Order from a Corrupt City Council to Stand Down. A Directive, and IAP to Let Us Be Assaulted and Not Help us to Silence Us, put fear into us, bully us, abuse us.

Cruel Hate Speech to those Living in a Car, WOW Woman, you have Gone Completely Hypocritically Psycho On me. And I am pretty much in the Deluna family you Demonic DIP. WAS in the Family. Now the word DeLuna is so very Tainted. 


Chief Corrupt Hate Crime Committing DEMON Chief Olson Responds with:


Subject: Re: Just Crazy or Dangerous?

Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 3:06:36 PM


Thank you for sharing. I had not seen that one yet. Ms. Cox has nothing better to do with her time. You can watch a few of her videos on YouTube and I think it will answer your question.
I am not surprised by anything she does.

I am really curious to see what she comes up with for this last rally. She teamed up with the Proud Boys and the 3 %ers.

Thomas Olson
Chief of Police
Port Townsend Police Department

Click Below for PDF of PT Gossip Rag, otherwise known as Police and YMCA eMails.

Curious to See what I "come up with"?

We were Protesting what you did to Us you EVIL Tyrant. We were Lesbians, Gay Men, Straight Folks, Conservatives, Liberals. We are Human Beings and NOT a Group, Party or Team Demon Spawn.

Yes Chief Olson YOU Sick Evil Bastard, I have NOTHING better to do than stand up to a man who violated our Constitutional Rights, has no respect for the LAW and stood there like a Jackass and let a mob attack elders and vulnerable people in his community.

 I have every right to make fun of you, it is my constitutional right. And for that I have nothing better to do with my time and the answer to if I am Dangerous or Crazy is Look at my YouTube. 

That is what gaslighting abusers say to women they don't approve of. YOU are Abusive, Narcissistic and Sociopathic.

You are a Sick, Vile Man and I Hope I get an eMail with something so bad that you have done that you go to Prison Immediately. It is NOT ok what you did to us. And to further engage in Hate Speech of a protected class, well You are NOT a Good Man in any sense of the word and completely Lawless, Immoral and Corrupt through and through. 

I am working on a Hate Crime Complaint against Chief Thomas Olson. He Harassed me while living in a car, did nothing to prosecute the crimes committed in the Michael Allmain Case, let a mob attack me and others, violated our constitutional rights and is now engaging in Hate Speech Against me. Coming Soon Hate Crime Complaint will be filed with the State and DOJ against Chief Thomas Olson and Rowen the Rabid Radical Rat.


I am Dangerous Rowen? What Delusional Upside down world is that IN?

You incited a mob on old ladies.  You are A Sick and Twisted Rabid Rat, and YOU are the ONE that is Dangerous and perhaps even a Nut Job. You incited violence upon us, and Julie Jaman, and you are at me, one of the victims of your madness.  After you put a 400 person mob after us with your “dangerous” “crazy” “unstable behavior” Hate Speech and Rhetoric, I AM THE ONE WHO MAY DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS, WOW LMAO. 


So Hate Crimes will Be Filed and a New Blog Investigative Reporting On Rowen the Rabid Rat and Twistical Tommy coming soon. As Tommy is Curiouser and Curiouser what will Crystal Say Next, NOTHING Surprises me. Oh Treasonous Traitor Twistical Tommy, you may be in for a Tingling Tickly Surprise, perhaps from Internal Affairs you Twisted Unconstitutional Jackass. Hope you enjoyed your email with Rowen the Rat, it will perhaps now be your Legacy. 

OH AND FUNNY RIGHT Trembling Tommy Lamenting on the Washington III% and some "Real Men" that care about and stand up the rights of women including lesbians, stand up for all women and girls, and actually can protect women, completely emasculating the Evil Spineless Coward Tyrant that let a mob beat up old ladies.

 Scared Loser OMG the Proud Boys, 
Has Anyone Seen My Balls. 

Can't Seem to Find the Chief's Balls 
I Think those 3%ers, those Patriots 
Ran off with Trembling Tommy's Balls.

Posted here by “Unstable” Mabel 
Crazy Crystal Cox, 
the Dangerous Nutjob. 

Port Townsend Propolis Piper Corbett. Port Townsend Busy Body Piper Corbett DOES NOT tell on anyone in the innocent mob that attacks us, in fact, she stood with them and can be seen on Police Cam footage talking to Pride Muzzle Guy, one of our attackers and to me it looked like she was directing him. Yet the Guys she don't like, having a beer where she does not approve, well that is when her Moral High Horse Kicks right in.

 oh No People were Drinking Beers. Beers I say.

Not concerned with the Violence against us, the drugged up people attacking us, the drunk people attacking us, the violent mob at us, or our rights at all but Hey Po Po, some Guys, well they had on masks and were drinking beers.

Yeah probably not at the same time, but still its a very concerning Issue. Some Guys downtown Port Townsend were drinking beer and Piper Corbett does not approve.

So She Runs to the Port Townsend Po Po. OMG Officer the Sky Really is Falling This Time. Yet she had NO ISSUE with 400 people, most strong men, many had had beers. She cheered them on and filmed it then gas lighted us online that it just did not happen, even with dozens of livefeeds. 

Oh and how did she know they were guys, did she ask them their "gender" or is she allowed to assume and not be mobbed, yet we are not.

What a Hypocritical Better than Thou Busy Body, Port Townsend Prickly Pretentious Prattle, Provocateur Piper Corbett. 

Let's Take another Look at the Officer Cam Piper Corbett was caught on talking to Pride Muzzle Man, one of our assaulters.

Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox of Bringing Back Goddess Church 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Reverend Crystal Cox Roars at Rally for Decency, September 3rd 2022 Protesting the City of Port Townsend's attack on us. Protesting Antifa, Trans Activist and Olympic Pride Terrorists attacking us on August 15th 2022, while the City of Port Townsend gave a directive to the Police to DO NOTHING. Then Praised the Violent Mob, calling them Loving and Supportive.

Clips from our First Contact with Antifa, Mystery Person then Alex French, thenBjorn MacLochlainn, angry Dwarf Man, then the Mob

Video of Our First Contact with Antifa Mystery "Person" at Julie Jaman Press Conference, then Alex French Comes over, then Bjorn MacLochlainn, who was called Angry Dwarf Man. Then Mystery Person, not a woman, Calls the Mob Over.

This Mystery Person, not a Woman, was the First Antifa member to come over to us. She confronted women, she got upset that Gabrielle Clark's voice was too loud, then put her hand in Jennifer Thomas's Face as to back her up. Then next over comes Alex French, the second Antifa Contact with us. Then Mystery Person Calls the Mob over, then we see Bjorn MacLochlainnm many called him Angry Dwarf Man, then the mob comes on over after this. And the irony right, the painful noise, the right in our face, the hurting and assaulting us. Yet Mystery woman wants people backed up and voices down.

Full Clip of Antifa first contact with Amy’s Group. Does not like Gabs voice raising, does not like Jen close to her, calls over Mob.

Alex French's Girlfriend Anna tells the Police that the last one was a "Peaceful Protest". So Let's Take a Look at Anna's Idea of Peace.

Alleged Peaceful Protester ANNA, 
the Girlfriend of Alex French

Did you See in the Officer Cam Footage of Alex French’s Arrest on September 3rd 2022 at the Port Townsend Rally for Decency, that Anna, the woman with Alex at his arrest, told the police, as seen on Officer Cam that they had been Peacefully Protesting at the Amy Sousa Press Conference for Julie Jaman on August 15th 2022. She referred to it as the "last one" even though Alex said he was only down there to use the restroom and go home, also seen on the Officer Cam.

Peaceful Protester Screaming in our Face

Anna tells police we Peacefully Protested. Anna ripped up our signs, pushed us, screamed in our faces, bullied us, cursed at us, called us Dumb Bitches and told “Us” to get our of “Our Town”. Here is a short clip of one such Peace Protest.

Anna Peacefully Protesting at the Amy Sousa Press Conference Julie Jaman August 15th 2022. Watch the Peaceful Protester Clip Below.

And Let Us Not Forget the Police Cam Footage of Anna asking if Alex French will be charged, professing he was just peacefully sitting there

oh and NOT Peacefully Sitting There but instead hurting an elder man's leg for over 30 minutes, pressing his head into the elders privates. Alex is a young strong man, he was hurting this man and then attacked Jen Thomas and ripped off her shoe, here is a Clip for your Review.

Here We See Innocent Person Alex French going
into our area under our legs

So many In Port Townsend Keep Telling me the Trans Women going into women's spaces is a Woman's Only Issue. I Say Trans Women is a Men's ISSUE

 Men Wanting to be Women, is a Man's ISSUE.

So many people say to me that this is not a men's issue. It most certainly is a men's issue. It is Males that want to be Female for things related to Male Psychology, Male Mental Health and Male Anatomy, Physical Health.
It is Men oppressing women, bullying women and invading women's spaces without consent or boundaries. It is Fathers, Brothers, Husbands and Sons who care about women in their lives that have to stand up to other Men.
Beating up Women, Bullying Women, harassing, screaming violently at women, pushing and knocking down women, being cruel to women to support ONLY the right of a MAN that says he is a Woman, IS NOT OK. Women cannot fight back alone.
It is a Man's Conversation. As Men that Claim they are a Woman, want to use the Women's restroom for one of two reasons in most of my conversations over decades with Trans Women. (1) Trans Woman, and gay men have this same claim, They fear they will get beat up, bullied, harassed or raped in the Men's bathroom, locker room or event. They feel safer in the women's bathroom. See they can overpower a Woman, so they “feel” safe. So, Men need to be more supportive and inclusive of MEN that are different or more feminine or Trans Women, NOT a Woman Problem. A Man Problem for Men to Have a Solution for and not the Solution of Violently Forcing Women to accept them in their private space without boundaries or consent.
In Complete Predatory Hypocrisy, if we as women don't feel safe with a penis carrier and deep voice in our naked space we are told to sit down and shut up, and that the Man who says he is a Woman has more rights then we do as women.
If we fear a man over powering us or hurting us, fear being raped, are uncomfortable, fear being bullied or harassed, that is just too bad. Our women's rights DO NOT EXIST and instead ONLY the rights of the Man Claiming to Be a Woman Exists and is ENFORCED by the City of Port Townsend Proclamation, by Violent Antifa and Olympic Pride Terrorists, Violently forced on us by Straight White Men posting as Trans Rights Activists, to Force Women to include men in our naked space or else.
Then they attack us online and in public afterwards and the Port Townsend community at large gaslights and bullies us, the victim. It is a Mass Hypnosis. It is Trauma Bonding in Mass. It is a Mass Predatory Delusion. It is NOT Love, Not Peaceful, and It is Not LGBTQ Support.
It is Plain Ol' Wrong.
(2)The Second reason that came up in my discussions and interviews was that the men felt better about themselves in the women's room, it turned them on and gave them comfort to dress as a woman and live as a woman. Some yes, turned on by being around the women clothed or not. They felt perhaps a big fish in a small pond. A feeling of superiority as they knew their strength and had higher self esteem. They said they were more confident, with themselves to be their true self in women's spaces.
Again why are Women not allowed this same good feeling and confidence? Instead women in schools, prisons, and society at large are forced to be around men even if they do not feel safe. And people like Councilwoman Libby Wennstrem side with the thought that Your Trauma, as a woman, is NOT a reason to not want to be around a man. Yet Oddly Enough they Side with the Man that Claims he is a Woman that does not want to be around men in the men's restroom, space, event, or locker room because of their “trauma” or emotional response issue.
As Lesbians we are banned from dating sites and events if we claim we will only date Same Sex. As that is what we fought for, the right to love and marry those of the Same Sex. We fought that We are Born this Way. Now THEY/Them say we are not born any way, but decide later, what a huge difference then the original intent or fight of gay and lesbian Same Sex Rights.
If Men and or Boys have an Emotional Trauma Health Issue, a Psychological Disability (per a Recent High Court Ruling) and want to be the opposite Sex by surgery and drugs for life, well I believe adults have that right, a personal health and life choice. And that we should not sterilize, mutilate and drug kids for the rest of their life over an emotional mental issue that can be loved, healed, supported, talked, and worked through. Taught to Love your Body and Not to Hate any part of you for any reason. Especially to the point of believing self mutilation, surgery and drugs for life will bring emotional comfort and mental healing. That Kind of Healing Comes from somewhere else, that for another writing another day.
~ Posted here and above written by Reverend Crystal Cox

So many In Port Townsend Keep Telling me the Trans Women going into women's spaces is a Woman's Only Issue. I Say Trans Women is a Men's ISSUE

Men Wanting to be Women, is a Man's ISSUE.
So many people say to me that this is not a men's issue. It most certainly is a men's issue. It is Males that want to be Female for things related to Male Psychology, Male Mental Health and Male Anatomy, Physical Health.
It is Men oppressing women, bullying women and invading women's spaces without consent or boundaries. It is Fathers, Brothers, Husbands and Sons who care about women in their lives that have to stand up to other Men.
Beating up Women, Bullying Women, harassing, screaming violently at women, pushing and knocking down women, being cruel to women to support ONLY the right of a MAN that says he is a Woman, IS NOT OK. Women cannot fight back alone.
It is a Man's Conversation. As Men that Claim they are a Woman, want to use the Women's restroom for one of two reasons in most of my conversations over decades with Trans Women. (1) Trans Woman, and gay men have this same claim, They fear they will get beat up, bullied, harassed or raped in the Men's bathroom, locker room or event. They feel safer in the women's bathroom. See they can overpower a Woman, so they “feel” safe. So, Men need to be more supportive and inclusive of MEN that are different or more feminine or Trans Women, NOT a Woman Problem. A Man Problem for Men to Have a Solution for and not the Solution of Violently Forcing Women to accept them in their private space without boundaries or consent.
In Complete Predatory Hypocrisy, if we as women don't feel safe with a penis carrier and deep voice in our naked space we are told to sit down and shut up, and that the Man who says he is a Woman has more rights then we do as women.
If we fear a man over powering us or hurting us, fear being raped, are uncomfortable, fear being bullied or harassed, that is just too bad. Our women's rights DO NOT EXIST and instead ONLY the rights of the Man Claiming to Be a Woman Exists and is ENFORCED by the City of Port Townsend Proclamation, by Violent Antifa and Olympic Pride Terrorists, Violently forced on us by Straight White Men posting as Trans Rights Activists, to Force Women to include men in our naked space or else.
Then they attack us online and in public afterwards and the Port Townsend community at large gaslights and bullies us, the victim. It is a Mass Hypnosis. It is Trauma Bonding in Mass. It is a Mass Predatory Delusion. It is NOT Love, Not Peaceful, and It is Not LGBTQ Support.
It is Plain Ol' Wrong.
(2)The Second reason that came up in my discussions and interviews was that the men felt better about themselves in the women's room, it turned them on and gave them comfort to dress as a woman and live as a woman. Some yes, turned on by being around the women clothed or not. They felt perhaps a big fish in a small pond. A feeling of superiority as they knew their strength and had higher self esteem. They said they were more confident, with themselves to be their true self in women's spaces.
Again why are Women not allowed this same good feeling and confidence? Instead women in schools, prisons, and society at large are forced to be around men even if they do not feel safe. And people like Councilwoman Libby Wennstrem side with the thought that Your Trauma, as a woman, is NOT a reason to not want to be around a man. Yet Oddly Enough they Side with the Man that Claims he is a Woman that does not want to be around men in the men's restroom, space, event, or locker room because of their “trauma” or emotional response issue.
As Lesbians we are banned from dating sites and events if we claim we will only date Same Sex. As that is what we fought for, the right to love and marry those of the Same Sex. We fought that We are Born this Way. Now THEY/Them say we are not born any way, but decide later, what a huge difference then the original intent or fight of gay and lesbian Same Sex Rights.
If Men and or Boys have an Emotional Trauma Health Issue, a Psychological Disability (per a Recent High Court Ruling) and want to be the opposite Sex by surgery and drugs for life, well I believe adults have that right, a personal health and life choice. And that we should not sterilize, mutilate and drug kids for the rest of their life over an emotional mental issue that can be loved, healed, supported, talked, and worked through. Taught to Love your Body and Not to Hate any part of you for any reason. Especially to the point of believing self mutilation, surgery and drugs for life will bring emotional comfort and mental healing. That Kind of Healing Comes from somewhere else, that for another writing another day.
Here is a Conversation between Two Men about this Issue, a Trans Woman and a Man. ~ Posted here and above written by Reverend Crystal Cox