Who Enforces Human Rights

The Law Says that the Washington State Human Rights Commission (WSHRC) enforces the Washington State Law Against Discrimination. The Washington State Human Rights Commission claims to be neutral in an investigation however the agency wrote the very law that was used against Julie Jaman, and this agency was in no way neutral. The WA State Human Rights Commission is Biased, Discriminating, Prejudice and Bullying. I have personally witnessed this. They are NOT an ally of a victim of a human rights violation, a hate crime in the state of Washington.
I Cannot Help but WONDER if State Law, Federal Law or the Constitution will even be a factor in the Policies and Procedure of this Human Rights City Process of the City of Port Townsend.
Well, instead of holding City Manager John Mauro accountable for his clear violation of Human Rights and “applicable law”, the City Council Gave him a Raise.
$187k a year to Violate Human Rights. Job Well Done.
Oath? Seriously John?
Bias, Prejudice, Discrimination
Does not EQUAL Human Rights
Personal Preference, Politics, Personal Opinion, and other interpersonal petty judgemental gossipy quagmire should not have mattered. Neutrality, Law, Investigation, Real Equality without Prejudice without Discrimination, ya, they may have been more inline with the Lofty Delusional Dream of Port Townsend actually being a Human Rights City.
As Olympic Pride, Trans Rights Activists, Antifa Militants and others enraged and incited by the City of Port Townsend and Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship Assaulted us in the street, the Mayor of PT, a City that identifies itself as a Human Rights City, well this Human Rights God, Mayor David Fabor, called our assault beautiful and supportive. Supportive of who though?
And beautiful to which party, the abuser, the assailant or the victim? There was No Neutrality, there was no Equality under the Law, there was No “Human Rights”.
There was no Welcoming Beacon City on the Hill Of Human Rights that night, nor the discriminating prejudice incitement that led up to nor the callus cruel gaslighting that followed. Port Townsend, “Hate has No Place Here” says Mayor Fabor. While a Hypnotic Blind Eye is Turned to the Massive Hate Flowing Our Way.
Anyway, Back to the Story,
Port Townsend
the Shining Example of
Human Rights and Equality; NOT !!!
I am working on complaints to file with the Washington Human Rights Commission, the Washington State Human Rights Commission, the Washington State Office of Equity, ACLU Washington, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Department of Human Services, the Human Rights Council, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (HHS-OCR), Washington State Human Rights Commission and several Human Rights Foundations, and Federal Hate Crime Complaints; all Regarding Our Assault at the Julie Jaman Press Conference on August 15th, 2022, incited by the City of Port Townsend, the Port Townsend Mayor and City Manager, Olympic Pride, Beau Ohlgren of Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, the Port Townsend YMCA and Chief of Police Thomas Olson.
There will not be a Human Rights Agency in the World that has not heard of what Happened to Julie Jaman in Port Townsend Washington, what happened to us all at the Julie Jaman Press Conference.

Anyway, As I was researching some legal information for my formal complaints and legal action to follow, I came across a Facebook Post Regarding a recent invite from the City Attorney to participate in a Port Townsend Committee meeting to Declare PT a Human Rights City. What a Crock Right?
After what I have personally experienced and reported on for years regarding the City of Port Townsend, Imagine my Surprise in my research to find out that the City of Port Townsend Imagines Itself as a Sanctuary of Human Rights, a Utopia of Equity and a Non-Discrimination Haven of Dignity for All.
Seriously that would be funny, if it was not so violently untrue that we, as citizens they don’t like or approve of are in danger of their laws, their police force, their courts and prosecuting attorneys, their extreme violence inciting rhetoric and proclamation of which directly turns to violence, bullying, prejudice, and discrimination against any of us who are not part of their gang of co-conspirators.
The Human Rights Gods of Port Townsend want
the City to be known as a Welcoming City,
it simply is NOT True.
This comes only 2 months after Discriminating Hate and Human Rights Violations Galore poured out in the streets of Port Townsend on August 15th, 2022 at the Julie Jaman Press Conference, where we were assaulted by followers of these same individuals, government officials, and nonprofits. And they, the abusers caught on video and FOI, continue to Cry Victim, as if in a typical narcissistic domestic violence situation. We did not hurt you, if you got hurt it was your fault, You made it all up, you did not want “police staff’, you were not knocked down, none of that bad violent Human Rights Violations happened and so much more Gaslighting we have endured by the City of Port Townsend Officials, Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom, Mayor David Fabor, the Port Townsend Police, the YMCA and Even Centrum, Dove House, Local Businesses and Yes EVEN Local Churches.

We Sure Got a Good Taste of “RADICAL Inclusivity”
The City Council laughed at our pain, our violent assault, our tears, gaslighted us and even claimed we faked it all. Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom accused one of us of Staging the Whole thing, which would have been impossible, as 400 people mobbed us. Wennstrom also berated us, bullied us and posted hate filled lies about us online, inciting even more violence our way. Oh well, they do what they please, however, NOT a Human Rights thing to do that is for sure.
The whole world can see that Port Townsend
is Not a Welcoming City of Lavish Human Rights.

Our Human Rights did not exist and still do not, as they scoff at our pain, and denied us Equality, Dignity, Safety, and Basic Human Rights as a matter of Law, Policy and Procedure. They paint us out as the ones in the wrong somehow, the bad guys per se, the violent Radical Bigot Nazi Fascist TERFS. They continue to this day to incite the mob online, and in their chambers of vicious rumor and innuendo. They rule on our Fate, our Worth, our Quality of Life and our Human Rights.
Port Townsend, a “Human Rights City”?
Port Townsend is a place where the City Attorney, County Prosecutors, Non-Profits, and their vigilante mob, in the name of who and what is important to them with no Equality, or investigation, will terrorize a penniless homeless man, lie about him, bully him, set him up, steal his dog and Defy a Court Order to do as they please.

They see, NOT the Human Rights in the Sacred Life and Breath of a Man near death and needing help, but instead, see his dog as their do-gooder rescue project to somehow appease their own heartlessly hollow souls. They bring his dog in, out of the cold, feed his dog, heal his dog, and leave the man alone to die of cold and heartbreak.
Behind it all was a vigilante mob of citizens that think they are the law, some known as the alleged “Prominent People '' who run the Port Townsend Police and Government around. Behind it was a county prosecutor and her bestie at CVAR, a local nonprofit and a police woman who set a man up, clearly seen in FOI, to flat out Steal his property, his emotional support dog.
All because of Inequality,
and Total Disregard for Human Rights.
I have reported on the entire story to every official I could, filed criminal complaints with great detail and proof, filed bar complaints and they all turned a Port Townsend Blind Eye to this Blatant Corruption. And the Motive? What could possibly be the motive for the lawless cruelty they inflicted on Michael Allmain for years? Well I know one thing for sure, their “Pledge” to Human Rights was clearly Not Involved.
Behind it all was also this same City Attorney that gave the invite to speak at a Human Rights Committee Meeting. I have seen FOI emails that she sent to Michael’s attorney badgering him about paying the lien they put on his dog to board it, AFTER the FOI eMails that proved she knew the Court Ordered Moses, Michaels’s Family, his Emotional Support Dog, his Property to be returned to him.
(See the End of this Article for Links to Proof)
City Attorney Heidi Greenwood blatantly, knowingly, with actual malice, defied a Judge's order and Violated the Human Rights, Civil Rights and Discrimination Laws to punish a local man they prejudiced as not Worthy of Human Rights, not their equal, and he had no equal right to laws that are on the books and apply to others, no right to Equality, or even the Laws applying to him. All this from a Not So Welcoming Community.
A place where a bit of money would help a guy and a dog, and they would rather spend hundreds of thousands to take the dog flat out, no matter what the Judge says, vigilante justice indeed.
They see not the suffering of the humans dying in tents, homeless cold as they ruthlessly take the dog, the man’s family and warmth, to a cozy retreat at CVAR ( a local animal rescue private nonprofit), even though a local Judge ordered the dog’s return, BY COURT ORDER. These Arrogant Thugs Ignored it. On top of this they charged the homeless man $26k to board the dog they Stole against a Judge's Order, flat out, completely above the law.

City Attorney Heidi Greenwood
What a Crock, this same government and the same parties involved in blatant disregard of human life and human rights, such as City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, Idolize themselves as Champions of Human Rights and want Port Townsend to Be Known as a Human Rights City.
Well they Can Identify as Whatever they Choose. They are the LAW and We are but to sit down and shut up. However the TRUTH will REMAIN to Be the TRUTH. And their Laughable Lies will Linger believed as Righteous Truth among their Human Rights Violating, Mean, Corrupt Cruel Cronies. As for those of us outside of their Insular Bubble, we know that Human Rights are NOT something they dole out with Equality.

In my research on Human Rights for my Complaints and Future Legal Action, I came across a post from December 17th, 2022 on Facebook that Read:
“Greetings friends last Monday the 5th I participated in the City Council meeting and proposed in public comment that the council declare Port Townsend a Humans Rights City. I received an email from the city attorney, MS Greenwood inviting me to the Culture Society Committee.
The following Monday I called MS Greenwood and talked about a proposal I made to the council back in 2016 of endorsing Human Rights Alliance North Sound’s proposal for the consideration of formation of a Human Rights Commission.
At the Wednesday meeting, the 14th, the proposal of the human rights city and human rights commission was discussed. My Heart soared like an eagle. This has been a dream for years of having a place where citizens could go to have resolution on human rights issues and many more.
Here is the link of the recorded session:
It is not a done deal and only in conceptual. The fact we are at the table shows a commitment on the city’s behalf that social, racial, LGBTQIA+, are issues that they recognize the need for a committee to address.
We need tons of comments at the next city council meeting January 3rd in support of what the Culture and Society Committee is doing.
Thank you, FB friends, and thanks to the City Council.
Public Comment: publiccomment@cityofpt.us.”
Source of Above Public Facebook Post
I was pretty shocked at the lengths these same parties that incited a violent mob on us will go to pretend they are a loving, caring, human rights bunch that care about, protects and gives equality to ALL in “social, racial, and LGBTQIA+ Issues”.
They Know what they did to us, the speakers at the Julie Jaman Press Conference were half of that group they tout to protect. I myself am a Lesbian, many other speakers were as well. They Choose which members get Human RIghts and which do not.
We were pummeled in the streets of Port Townsend that night. And our Social Issues, our “LGBTQIA+” Issues, DID NOT EXIST. We were assaulted and silenced and our “issues” our “bodies”, our “Human Rights” had no Humanity, Dignity, or Equal Rights whatsoever.
To me we are no longer a Society that needs to have so many separate groups. Why not simply Equal Rights for ALL. And no more separate social, racial, LGBTQIA+ and so many divisions among HUMANS. Why not the Law, Constitution and Human Rights for ALL Equally, even the Straight People, Christians, and Gays and Lesbians like me they don’t like, ALL PEOPLE PERIOD.
I am a 52 year old Lesbian, I am not a member of the LGBTQIA+, and Olympic Pride, well, I no longer support them at all. They are a Terrorist Group of Violent Thugs to me now, from my FIRST HAND Experience and Assault. Never thought I would see the day I would be Suffocated with a Pride Flag or hit with a Pride Flag Pole, run down by a parade of LGBT Bicycle Terrorists. Olympic Pride has NOTHING to Do with the Values and Origins of PRIDE. They Certainly do not Represent Me, nor Human Rights, and Equality, that is Obvious to anyone.
We, as Gays and Lesbians fought for Equal Rights and We Won. We got Same Sex Marriage. Now we are are bullied, berated and abused by the same groups, the same people that fought for same sex marriage, because we want a “same sex” relationship.
Because we want an equal voice, consent, boundaries and Human Rights.

On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on Same-Sex Marriage. Same Sex Marriage Equality was then legalized in all fifty states. We Won Equal Rights. From there it is simply about Equality across the board, ALL People. And not to then turn on other groups and within. NOT to use Violence on People and Groups you don’t like to FORCE them to Accept You, Love You and have no independent thoughts, boundaries or Human Rights.
We fought against Gay Conversation, now it seems the Trans Activists are fighting for Gay Conversation. We have Equal Rights. After we won, then what happened to the Pride marches, the movement that fought for equality?
Well it seems to have been hijacked by the trans community, flag and all. And they kicked the rest of us out. Now us Gays and Lesbians, along with what used to be known as a Women is all being Erased.
Now the Civil Rights, Human Rights and Equality we fought so hard for are ONLY for Trans Women. By Violent VERY Toxic Masculine Force.
Why NOT Equality for ALL? Why not No Hate Here for ALL. All those Chants of Love and No Hate as they beat us down, kind of like an abusive spouse hitting you daily for your own good because they love you. And you WILL Love Them or Else.
#LoveWins was our Hashtag. We were so Happy, now we can marry who we love. Then a freight train hit us from an unexpected direction, from within. The Trans community turned on us, Violently. The Violent People and Groups are Obvious, yet they somehow keep convincing their “people” that it did not happen and if it did it was not that bad, and well we are the ones who are violent not them.
No amount of Video, Our Pain and Suffering, FOI, Proof will Wake them from the Hypnotic Trance that somehow, it was ok in the Streets of Port Townsend for 400 Violent Loud Oppressive “people” to Assault Us, Take away our right to Free Speech and a voice within our City Council. They See No Issue with Their Actions. They believe we are the violent one, and seem to be in complete denial of their assault on us, on video, and well I experienced it, I witnessed, they continue to Gaslight. Proof is Just more Gas seemingly to the Fires of their Hate to anyone having a different thought or opinion, and True Human Rights for All with Absolute Equality and NO HATE HERE.
The Julie Jaman Press Conference was NOTHING to do with Hate or Discrimination. If they had let us 11 “people” speak, they would have heard “For” and NOT “Against” anything. They would have heard our viewpoint and we would have all moved on. Instead they decided to assault us, bully us, silence us and the City of Port Townsend decided it was beautiful, lawful, and supportive.
Once we Won Same Sex Marriage Rights, then What Happens to Pride Parades and Festivals? Well at first in Port Townsend it sounded like something neat was happening.
I heard speakers at PRIDE talk about using the Pride Platform to help others who needed support, the others seemed to be the indigenous nations of the Olympic Peninsula. That seemed awesome to me. However, after 2018 and 2019 talking of this mission, the mission seemed to have changed.
Full Article at