Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Jefferson County Washington Commissioner Kate Dean Relies on Local Trans Activist with Quimper Unitarian Universalist Church to write Proclamations that affect all of Us in Jefferson County and Visitors. Why Bother Electing Officials when the outsource our rights?

 Commissioner Kate Dean emails with City Manager John Mauro. In Port Townsend there is NO separation of church and state, there is no Equal Rights or Human Rights for ALL equally. The City and County decide who is Human and who gets rights. And well they outsource that to Trans Activist Beau Ohlgren, and the only input the City and County Officials seek is his input, a local MAN, director at Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship in Port Townsend. No input from Lesbians, or from the community at large, ONLY one Trans Man or Man if you would prefer.

Our Rights, a Proclamation that incited Hate against Gays and Lesbians, Women, Men, and well everyone but the Straight Man who decides he is a Woman and the rest of us get bullied, silenced and bashed in the streets of Port Townsend. Here is the email thread with the PT city manager and a Jefferson County Commissioner, deciding all our fate, just hours before multiple hate crimes were committed and us Lesbians, and community members at a permitted press conference that evening, well we were bashed, attacked, robbed, assaulted, intimidated, and bullied. 

Click Below for Email Communications in Video

here is the source document