Friday, March 10, 2023

Jefferson County Prosecutors and Port Townsend Mayors Law Firm Cooking up a Deal to Contain a Story that makes the City of Port Townsend Look VERY bad, oh and the Liability right.

Clearly Mayor David Faber, one of the Straight Port Townsend Men who incited a violent mob to suppress our speech, shut down our voice, harass, assault and attack us, while the Port Townsend Police Chief watched, well he did not want all that Evidence going to Trial. Sam Feinson, of Feinson and Faber Law Firm Port Townsend, represented the man who assaulted us, Alex French, in court and clearly manipulated the courts to shut down a trial.

I wonder if Alex was really ok with all this? The Mayor doesn’t want to look worse than he already does. The City calling our assault a “mosh pit”, our attack “grievances”. Alex French pleaded guilty to protect the City of Port Townsend from “volume of eyewitnesses, photos, and videos that might come into play” ?  Hmmm..

From Sam Feinson of the Mayors Law Firm to Jefferson County Prosecutor Chris Ashcraft.

“Hi Chris,

While I wouldn't mind talking about mosh pits during voir dire, this seems like a case that should not go to trial. The volume of eyewitnesses, photos, and videos that might come into play are significant, and I don't think anyone wants to rehash the grievances either "side" in those protests may have against the other.

We propose a 12-month continuance for dismissal. Mr. French would be happy to do a amount of community service you deem reasonable as a condition. He has no problem staying away from Julie Jaman, as well.

It looks like the court also has a few more months of jurisdiction on his 2017 DUI. We'd hope that the State would agree to take no action on that case.

Please let me know your thoughts.



Samuel C. Feinson

Faber Feinson PLLC”

Jefferson County Deputy Prosecutor Chris Ashcraft says we have a deal, and well he will run it by “el jeffe”, which is most likely Prosecutor James Kennedy. Thing is Alex French did bad things, and well these local officials cooked up a “deal” to call our attack a mosh pit, and go easy on this man, well it is NOT OK. oh and for “most” cases Deputy Prosecutor Ashcraft does not need King James’s ok, hmmm.

“From: Chris Ashcraft

To: Sam Feinson

Subject: RE: State v. Alex French

Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 

“That sounds very reasonable and was along the lines of what I was thinking. Most cases I don’t need el jeffe’s blessing, but on this one I need to talk to him so he does not get ambushed. … I’ll be in office tomorrow and I will let you know then if we have a deal.”

Source of Above eMails