Saturday, September 24, 2022

Port Townsend Woman Does not Want Others Coming to Her Town. Half of us at the Rally for Decency Live Here. Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative and Eric Rohdes came here to stand up for our rights, for women's rights. And this Woman Hates them and let's them Know. And ruins this man's family income. SICK and Heartless.

Port Townsend Woman that Bragged about shutting down Robert Zerfing's Livelihood of which he supported his family.

She is Cruel and seems to think Port Townsend is her town, and people should not come here.

Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative was one of 35 of us that were mobbed, attacked by hundreds of people in the name of love for Trans Women only. Most of our group was elderly, Robert helped them to not be attacked worse and filmed the event, this woman got his youTube channel shut down and along with it his families income. He is a father, a husband, a good man that stood with us. This woman is hateful, discriminating, bullying, and why?

Officer Cam Footage of Horrible Hateful Bullying Port Townsend Dictator Woman